Libby Fawcett – Chair
Libby has lived in Davis County since birth, and has called Syracuse home since 2002. She attended Sunset Jr. High and Northridge High School where her love for the arts developed as she participated in choir and theater. After high school graduation, she enjoyed watching the arts, but her participation in them was seriously lacking until 2011 when she discovered the SCAC and their summer musical productions. Her whole family, from her husband down to the 16-month-old baby, was on stage that summer during The Music Man. Since then, she has been on stage with SCAC in Annie and Seussical, was stage crew for The Little Mermaid, was the production assistant for Hairspray and was the Producer for the Jr. Theater Production of Aladdin Jr. She also sings with the SCAC choir and supports the orchestra from the audience. Her family shares her love for the arts, and she frequently finds herself helping with junior high and high school productions and concerts as well as supporting her 5 sons in the audience for whatever they are currently participating in. She is happy to have the opportunity to support the arts in Syracuse.
Kresta Robinson – Vice-Chair
Daphne Lynch – Treasurer
Libby has lived in Davis County since birth, and has called Syracuse home since 2002. She attended Sunset Jr. High and Northridge High School where her love for the arts developed as she participated in choir and theater. After high school graduation, she enjoyed watching the arts, but her participation in them was seriously lacking until 2011 when she discovered the SCAC and their summer musical productions. Her whole family, from her husband down to the 16-month-old baby, was on stage that summer during The Music Man. Since then, she has been on stage with SCAC in Annie and Seussical, was stage crew for The Little Mermaid, was the production assistant for Hairspray and was the Producer for the Jr. Theater Production of Aladdin Jr. She also sings with the SCAC choir and supports the orchestra from the audience. Her family shares her love for the arts, and she frequently finds herself helping with junior high and high school productions and concerts as well as supporting her 5 sons in the audience for whatever they are currently participating in. She is happy to have the opportunity to support the arts in Syracuse.
Christopher Weaver – Music Chair

Christopher Weaver has enjoyed living in Syracuse since 2008 with his wife and 5 kids. He is a University of Utah graduate and currently works as an engineer for Northrop Grumman in Clearfield. Christopher served a church mission in Brazil. He enjoys a variety of activities including, but not limited to; music, board games, gardening, and watching and playing sports. He has been playing the trumpet since he was 12 years old and currently plays in the Syracuse Symphony Orchestra. He has loved serving on the Syracuse City Arts Council and seeing the arts programs grow and uplift the lives of so many people in the community.
LeAnna Hamblin – Theatre Chair

While she may have gotten her start in the theatre world late in life while working on productions at her children’s elementary school, she has been involved in music and performance from a very young age. She loves to work behind the scenes as director, assistant director, and stage manager, and has also helped with props and costumes on this and other shows. She currently serves as the Theatre Chairperson on the SCAC and is a member of the Syracuse Symphony Orchestra. She loves to share the arts with the community through her participation in these organizations.
LeAnna is a mother to five gorgeous and busy children and the lucky wife of one incredible husband, without whom, none of this would be possible. She teaches fourth grade at Lakeview Elementary and takes pride in educating young minds.
LeAnna hopes that as the community grows, she will be able to continue serving by bringing all different forms of art and education to the citizens. Her desire is that Syracuse will someday have its own performing arts space to make this readily available and that many lives will be enriched through the arts.
Kenzie Buckway – Publicity Chair

Kenzie has been involved in theatre for over 10 years, working in everything from performing to behind-the-scenes roles. She is currently studying Marketing at the University of Utah, using what she’s learned to help promote and connect audiences to the arts. Over the past three years, she’s been an active part of the SCAC theatre program and has spent two years handling publicity for SCAC, helping bring shows and events to audiences. She is excited to be working with the SCAC and helping to expand it’s programs.
Taylor Sachs – Secretary

Taylor has lived in Syracuse since he was 11, but has been participating in performances with the Syracuse City Arts Council since 8 years old. He has been involved in productions all over the Salt Lake Valley and beyond. He has several years of experience in theater tech and acting at community levels as well as professional. He is excited to be a part of SCAC, and hopes to bring his unique skills and experiences to help enhance their productions and share the arts with the community.
Heather Sparks – Grants Chair

Heather Sparks has been supporting the Syracuse City Arts Council since 2010, serving as a producer, director, assistant director, prop master, stage mom, and actor. In 2023, she officially joined the arts council alongside her son, Taylor Sachs. Her most cherished SCAC experience was directing Disney’s Freaky Friday the musical with Taylor in the summer of 2023.
Jason Anderson – Tech Chair